Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Surveys, Meetings, & Letters

Thank you to all who filled out the survey - over 120 responses! TBTD's small group is still researching finances and operation/facility, but we are close to drafting an initiative. Look for a post here as to the time and place of a community meeting to present the initiative. As always, this will be just one idea among many. And we encourage you to voice your ideas to the County.

Along those lines, check out the documents/info page for various Lopezian's letters sent to the County Council. If you've written a letter and would like it posted here, please email us at

Another way that Lopezians are learning about and expressing their opinions on the future of the Lopez dump is through meetings with Elizabeth Anderson from SJC Public Works. Elizabeth has the immense task of revising the County's Solid Waste Management Plan, and she has been meeting with small groups on Lopez to hear people's ideas. The Lopez Village Planning Review Committee will meet with Elizabeth tomorrow (thursday, 4:00 at the library) to discuss the UGA (urban growth area) and traffic flow and use patterns in regards to the dump. While this meeting is open to the public, it is NOT a forum for discussion of the dump's services or management policy. If you know of other meetings that you would like noted on this blog, please email us.

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