Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 21st Meeting Cancelled/Postponed & July 20th Meeting Set

To clarify on upcoming meetings:

~ Elizabeth Anderson (in charge of updating the Solid Waste Management Plan) has requested to postpone the community-wide meeting that was scheduled for July 21st. While she has held small, closed focus groups to gather public input, she expressed concern about not being prepared with reports etc for an expansive meeting. The County will have a survey out in the near future, but otherwise, please direct any questions & comments about the Solid Waste Management Plan to Elizabeth directly (

~ The County Council has set a meeting for July 20th, 10:30am to 3:00pm, at Woodmen Hall on Lopez. Considering there have been several requests that the Council hold a meeting here, it would be great to have a large turnout of our community attend. Citizen Access time is at the start, and Solid Waste is on the draft (subject to change) agenda for 1:30. Please attend if you can and spread the word.

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